Meet Our Trainers..
You do not need 50 trainers, you just need the right ones, that are consistent and give you a positive experience with your dog. You will develop communication with your dog though body language and trust by learning your dogs emotions.
Obedience Instructor Beginner through Advanced Competition Obedience

Start out right!
Read more about Terri Kerr… See About Us Page
Beginner Obedience / Rally Instructor

Tammy has taught competitive obedience for over 8 years . Tammy came from a totally different background working on military projects. Her background allowed her to be patient as her work had to be accomplished without mistakes. She wanted to train with Terri Kerr as their work ethics were similar. Terri spent a lot of time training Tammy of her philosophy of the training. They were a perfect match.You could not find a more supportive understanding trainer. After Tammy’s dog had health issues Terri offered to have Tammy work with her Doberman. Together they earned a UD in Utility B when Always was 12! They have a wonderful bond, Always still wants to sleep with his mother, but can’t wait to see Tammy. I see a selfless woman in Terri who wanted to help heal someone, and someone who feels they got a second chance with a dog she adores.
Tammy has amazing skills. She is positive, supportable and understanding and encourages the relationships and trust between the dog and handler which are important for success. Tammy teaches our Rally Classes, as well as Basic and Beginner Novice. Beginner’s obedience is typically four weeks, where it is demonstrated to the handler how to communicate with and train the dog in a few simple commands. With most methods the dog is trained one command at a time. Though there may or may not be a specific word attached to it, walking properly on a leash, or leash control, is often the first training required prior to learning other commands. Tammy also is one of the acting judges for our dog match shows that are available once a month.