Competition Obedience / Rally

Competition Obedience Training – Accessible for both New Jersey & Pennsylvania

Upfront stays up to date on the current methods and ideology of dog training. We offer a positive, comprehensive obedience program for dogs of all ages.

Attention / Intro to Novice – Teaches stationary and moving attention, as well as the heeling skills required for Novice. Heeling skills will include teaching your dog precise heel position, and proper footwork for the handler.

Novice –  Novice competition classes are for those who are interested in refining their dog’s obedience skills as well as those who are interested in competing in Obedience with their dog. This class teaches the dog and handler the Novice exercises to compete for a CD (Companion Dog) title. Stand-for-exam, recall, fronts & finishes, heeling (on and off leash) will be taught for the show ring. Emphasis is on attention and reliability. Maintain a 1 minute sit stay and 1 minute down stay with mild distractions present, stay and get your leash exercise.

Pre-Open – This class will emphasize and properly teach the Open exercises, including command discrimination, drop on recall, retrieves over high and flat, broad jump, 1 minute sit stay and stay get your leash exercise.

Open – This class refines the dog and handler for the Open exercises to compete for a CDX (Companion Dog Excellent) title.  It prepares you for the competition ring, with attention to detail on all the exercises.  We will work on proofing and distractions.   Work on quicker response to drop on recall and broad jump. Command discrimination will be addressed for all levels.

Pre-Utility – Teaching the fundamentals of

  • The signal exercise
  • Moving Stand
  • Directed Retrieve
  • Directed Jumping
  • Scent Discrimination

Utility Obedience Training
Utility – Fine tunes your skills for the Utility ring.  Covering every exercise in detail, we will show you how to adapt to your dog’s learning style.  This will create a confident dog that will be able to succeed.  Emphasis is on reliability regardless of distractions.


Rally Obedience Training

Rally AKC Graphic

Rally Novice  – We will cover proper performance of all the Novice signs, with emphasis on heel position, fluid course execution, and ring etiquette.

Rally Advanced – Implementation of  Advanced signs, off leash control, and  jumping skills.

Rally Excellent – Implementation of  Excellent signs, continued work jumping skills for send to jump, and distractions.

Rally Master – Implementation of  Master signs and behaviors needed, especially commands requiring the dog to work at a distance.

Check out:
AKC Rally ® Regulations and AKC Rally ® Signs